Kids for Cash

Kids for Cash is a 2013 documentary film about the kids for cash scandal which unfolded in 2008 over judicial kickbacks in WilkesBarre, Pennsylvania. Two judges were found guilty of accepting kickbacks in exchange for sending thousands of juveniles to detention centers when probation or a lesser penalty would have been appropriate. Some juveniles were sent to detention centers for incidents as minor as theft of a CD from WalMart.

The documentary points directly to Conahans involvement in the scam and how he was involved in several business endeavors that gave him the experience necessary to orchestrate the scam. Conahan signed a plea agreement admitting to financial kickbacks from the scam. Ciavarella was found guilty of twelve of thirtynine federal felonies including racketeering, mail fraud, money laundering, fraud conspiracy and filing false tax returns.After beginning his sentence at a Federal correctional institution in Pekin, Illinois, Ciavarella was transferred in October 2014 to a Federal transfer center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In March 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Ciavarellas petition for an appeal of his conviction. He will be 85 years old when he is eligible for release. Several sources have published that former judge Conahan demanded 129,000 from former judge Ciavarellas inlaws, but more reputable sources have yet to confirm this allegation. ........

Source: Wikipedia